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Author: Cc

Manifest what you want in your life

Manifest what you want in your life

To manifest the reality that we want, it is important to first create what we want in our mind. It is absolutely in our power to choose to focus on what we want, rather than outcomes we do not want. Remember that what we focus on is what we attract into our lives.

We are all connected

We are all connected

Science and metaphysics both advocate that things in our universe and environment are more interconnected than we think. Likewise, the mind and body are one. We tend to get overly focused on our own problems and concerns, but if the above statement is true, we are just one part of a bigger picture and may not be so important after all. What is within our ability to influence may be really small and insignificant, but I still want to try….

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Happiness is a choice

Happiness is a choice

“If you are at all unhappy, the only reason is because life is not happening the way you want it to be.” – Sadhguru Realise that you have the power to choose your reaction to any circumstances in your life. If you change the way you think about a situation, you can also change your response to it. Essentially what every human being wants is to live joyfully, peacefully and have loving relationships. There may inevitably be times we fall…

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Letting go of the past

Letting go of the past

“The wake is the trail that a boat leaves behind. The wake cannot drive the direction of the boat…it is driven by the present moment energy being generated by the boat’s engine.” – Wayne Dyer The wake of a boat is a great analogy for the wake of our lives. Coincidentally, the word ‘wake’ also means ‘funeral’ which is pretty apt as well – but I digress. The reason your life is going in this direction is not because of…

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Finding your own inner strength

Finding your own inner strength

Seek out the wisdom of sages or professional advice if you must, but ultimately look within yourself to find your own answers to life’s troubles. Suffering can be a trigger for self-transformation, but it requires a willingness to be brutally honest with yourself. Meditate and confront yourself, you may be surprised at what you find.

In search of self mastery

In search of self mastery

I believe that you are only able to give to others what you already have inside. If your internal reality is pain and suffering, then that is the outcome you will bring to yourself and the other person. The outcome may either be immediate or take time to manifest, but just like you cannot expect an apple tree to produce oranges, you cannot give away anything you do not have.

Breaking up is hard to do

Breaking up is hard to do

I wanted to stop writing as I no longer had a motivation to write. Previously, it was a way of communication between us, a fun challenge that spurred me on to try a new habit. Coming up with things to say is a struggle for me, since I internalise a lot and am private by nature. However, I am finding it hard to stop communicating cold turkey. Since you decided to stop responding to me, there has been a gaping…

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A message from the Universe

A message from the Universe

As I was queuing to make payment at a shop yesterday, the wordings on this eco-bag caught my attention. It sounded like something someone I know might say, and I was strangely encouraged by it so I decided to go back to take a photo as a reminder. Wherever you are at, whatever situation you may be going through, I hope this message from the Universe helps.

Waiting in suspense

Waiting in suspense

Habit is a funny thing. It is quite difficult to develop and maintain. Once formed, however, it becomes pretty hard to break. I have been feeling pretty lonely and unsettled the past couple of days, because I haven’t been chatting with my partner. Prior to this, I didn’t quite have regular daily conversations with anyone for many years already, so it was uncomfortable that I could feel this out of sorts. The worst part was not knowing if something happened…

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Do you believe in tarot?

Do you believe in tarot?

I like to think that I am a pretty logical and scientific person, but there is a free tarot portal that I have subscribed to that I sometimes check when I am feeling in need of spiritual guidance. Sometimes, the advice it dispenses is uncannily accurate for my life situations, so I do get some relief reading it from time to time. Today, as I was dreading the start of another work week, I came across their latest interpretation and…

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